Tuesday, April 14, 2015


I saw this picture today on Facebook and thought I would share it.  

While sitting at my desk at work in the midst of writing copy for a press release, I thought about it and realized that I don't often think about my dreams.   I'm not specifically talking about the dreams that occur between the hours of 11 pm and 6 am (those are more often nightmares), but my actual dreams and what I want out of life.

Turn back the clock and one of my dreams growing up was to be married and have a family.  That I succeeded in.  We celebrate our 23rd anniversary this year, and our kids 21st and 17th birthday's.

Another dream was to be an accountant.  I get it....how boring.  It was a great direction because I am really gifted in math.   Needless to say, I went to college, and tried it, and hated studying accounting.

The next dream was finishing college.  This came much later in life.  Yes, at 18 I went away to school, like a good portion of college-aged students do.  Instead of finishing in four years, I met my future husband and plans changed.  I graduated from college 17 years after I started with a marketing degree.  I don't recommend this direction...but I can honestly say I was a much better student the second time around.

I went back to school and took 57 credits in a single year, all while working full time and serving on the board of Little League.  I often studied late in to the early morning hours and a successfully obtained GPA of 4.0.  How on earth did that happen?  I made the Deans list multiple times, and met someone who is affectionately referred to as my sister from another mister.  Our birthdays are two days a part in actual day and year, and no matter what one of us is going through, we always are there to lend an ear.

Lately, my dreams are taking the path of writing (many) books (and the hopes that people with buy them), building a successful freelance photography business and moving to our home away from home.  I dream about my husband finding a position where people actually value him. I also dream about our oldest son finishing college and securing his perfect job and our youngest son finishing high school and moving on to college.

I am most happy when I am with my family at our second home.   I love the solitude and the time we have together and the chance to stop thinking about everything that goes wrong on what seams like a daily basis.

I might sound self absorbed and ungrateful for what we have: a roof over our heads, food in our bellies and relatively good health.  This all came at a cost after panicking when I lost my job and then when my husband was out of work; and having the four members of our family have a total of nine hospital stays in five years.

Dreams give people something to strive for.  I'll be selfish in saying I want my dreams to come true.  I want them to come true because they will help benefit our entire family.  The image says "go confidently in the direction of your dreams."  That's exactly what I am going to do.

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