Wednesday, July 1, 2015

Here We Go Again

This has been a horrible year.  It's also been a great year.  Actually, I think it's been the last few years that have a mix of ups and downs.  

On the up side, we've gone through a high school graduation and admittance to multiple colleges.  We also went through high ACT scores, great GPA's, successful football seasons and general calm that comes through raising good kids.   We are on the cusp of two more graduations, another college choice and a sense of peace knowing our kids are on their way.

On the down side, the last year we have gone through multiple job changes. Some due to well thought through decisions, and unfortunately some not of our own doing.

Also on the down side, our family has eleven hospital visits and/or procedures and surgeries since October 2010.  For a family of four, that seems pretty high to me.  

Last week was a horrible week.  Coming off a trip to Austin for a tradeshow that I helped successfully execute, the week was filled with travel issues, a fried hard drive, and a coworker that is only happy when he is complaining about everything.  After getting back to the office and trying unbury, my husband called me at work Thursday to tell me he was heading to the doctor.  Now, for those of you that know him, and his stint at the hospital a few years ago, this was something that I wouldn't take lightly.  He hates doctors.  He hates hospitals.  He's also convinced that nothing will kill him.  I have to twist his arm when his doctor calls to get him to come in for a check up.

So I don't embarrass him, this particular incident that had him running to the doctor. The first thing that came to mind from our doctor was cancer.  No lead saying let's explore this further.  It was, call the hospital and make an appointment now.  Our doctor is one of the most attentive physicians I have ever encountered.  He is a teaching physician, and we often subjected to his minions checking us out first, only to watch them get yelled at when they misdiagnose.  I honestly believe that given the last stay in the hospital nearly took his life, our doctor will do everything in his power to make sure that whatever we face, we will do it as fast as possible.  

On Friday, my husband lost his job.  I'd like to ask why this is possible, but the company he was working for was shady at best, so it's probably a blessing in disguise.  Are the gods against us?  At times, we think yes.

Fast forward a few days, after a long weekend of uncertainty, and a plan to go back to school, the job situation is on the mend. 

Today was the hospital visit, and thankfully, everything turned out ok.  There will be a follow up, but there is nothing to worry about, other than some minor changes.

It is now 7:00 pm, a mere nine hours after the procedure, and my husband is on the phone with our doctor.  He had nothing to do with the procedure, but he called to check on him.  He is an incredible physician, even if he complains about not seeing us often enough.

Collectively, as a family, we tackle everything together.  We support each other without question and we will get through whatever is put in front of us.  I know that this just make us stronger as a family, because adversity builds character and this family doesn't know how to fail.

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